I am a professional software engineer with diverse work experience, application design, and development skills.

“Providing quality software solutions - on time, everytime.”

  • Industry Experience
    • Civil Engineering
      • 3D Visualization
      • Road Design
      • Surface Modeling
      • Photogrammetry
      • COGO
      • Hydrology
      • Data Exchange
      • AutoCAD Civil 3D
    • Web Applications
      • Frontend Mapping Applications
      • Web UI Components
      • Backend map processing
      • Backend image processing
    • Game Development
      • Unreal Engine 5
      • Unreal C++ plugins
      • Unreal Blueprint
    • Land Surveying
      • 3D Visualization
      • COGO
      • Surface Modeling
      • Photogrammetry
      • Data Exchange
      • AutoCAD Civil 3D
    • GIS/Mapping
      • 3D Visualization
      • OGC web mapping
      • Geospatial Data Intergration
      • Photogrammetry
      • Esri ArcGIS
      • AutoCAD Map
  • Work History
    • NCrews Software
      Position: Senior Software Engineer
      December 2023 – Present
      Description: Create and customize open source/commercial software solutions. image mapping web applications (frontend and backend). 3D visualization applications of various formats, image manipulation, multi-threading, desktop applications and Windows shell extensions.
      Languages: C++/C, C#, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, HTMX, NodeJS
      Build Tools: Visual Studio/Code 2022, CMAKE, make, gcc, XCode
      Platforms: Windows, Browser
      Frameworks: Win API/ATL/Shell/.NET, HTML DOM, CGI, NodeJS, OGC WMS, OGC WFS
      Libraries: STL, OpenGL, Intel TBB, MS GLTF SDK, Open3D, GLSL, LASlib (LIDAR point cloud data), GDAL, PDAL
    • Carlson Software
      Position: Team Lead/Senior Software Engineer
      Jan 2014-Nov 2023
      Hydrology Engineer Game: Provided C++/Blueprints game backend and UI for engineering hydrology elements for a new learning game based on Unreal Engine 5. Precision 3D Team: Lead software development a new 3D CAD platform for civil engineers and land surveyors. Key features include drone photogrammetric/LIDAR point cloud processing, design surface modeling and data import/export.
      Languages: C++/C, C#, Blueprint
      Build Tools: Visual Studio, Unreal Build Tools
      Platforms: Windows, Unreal Engine 4/5
      Frameworks: Win API/ATL/Shell/.NET, Qt, Unreal plugin, OGC WMS, OGC WFS, Google Maps
      Libraries: STL, OpenGL, Intel TBB, Qt, MS GLTF SDK, Open3D, GLSL, LASlib (LIDAR point cloud data), GDAL, PDAL, Point Cloud Tools (PCL)
    • Maine Central Power/Itron Systems
      Position: Senior Software Engineer
      Jan 2012-Jul 2015
      Description: Primary responsibilities focused on creating custom high performance C++ and C# .NET distributed computing enterprise solutions for electric and water utilities. Windows Server Enterprise environment using Oracle and SQL Server databases with C# and ASP.NET application code. Strong debugging and performance optimization skills.
      Languages: C++/C, C#, SQL, XML
      Build Tools: Visual Studio
      Platforms: Windows
      Frameworks: Win API/.NET, SQLServer
      Libraries: .NET, Itron API
    • Logos Technologies
      Position: Senior Software Engineer
      Description: Military Drone Video Visualization: Created 3D NASA World Wind based client/server TCP/IP socket H.264 streaming video playback software using CUDA accelerated H.264 encoding Linux server to a Windows 3D platform client using C++, C and Java
      Languages: C++/C, Java, CUDA
      Build Tools: Visual Studio, Eclispe, gcc
      Platforms: Windows, Linux
      Frameworks: Win, Linux
      Libraries: STL, Boost, Java libs
    • Autodesk, Inc.
      Senior Principle Software Engineer
      Description: Extensive 2D and 3D graphics experience using OpenGL, AutoCAD, Revit and 3D Studio MAX. Projects: Green Building Studio Photovoltaic Energy Analysis backend development. AutoCAD Civil 3D, gbXML, OpenXPS and LandXML.org, ECMA-388 OpenXPS, LandXML.org, OGC.org standards participation.
      Languages: C++/C/C#, .NET, LISP, Java, ASP.NET, XSLT, XML
      Build Tools: Visual Studio
      Platforms: Windows
      Frameworks: MFC, AutoCAD API
      Libraries: STL, ATL, OpenGL, Boost, Java libs
  • Programming Languages
    • C/C++
    • C#
    • JavaScript
    • HTML/CSS
    • GLSL/HSL
    • Shell/Python Scripting
  • Frameworks
    • Windows API
    • MFC/.NET
    • Qt
    • AutoCAD ARX
    • Unreal Engine Plugins
    • WebGL
    • WebGPU
    • Open3D
    • NodeJS
    • CGI
    • HTMX
    • WASM
    • LeftletJS
    • MapBoxJS
    • CesiumJS
  • OS/Tools/Libraries
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • MacOS
    • Cross Platform
    • Chrome
    • GIT/Perforce/SubVersion
    • Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Visual Studio Code
    • cmake/make/nmake
    • Qt Design Studio
    • Eclipse
    • STL
    • Boost
    • Intel TBB
    • Windows COM/ATL/Shell
    • Microsoft MFC
    • Qt API
    • LASlib
    • OpenCV
    • Point Cloud Tools (PCL)
    • Many other various libs...

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